Hi, I'm Suzy! And I've been photographing families professionally for over 12 years. Now, with my online Photography Course for Parents, I get to help parents like you learn how to take beautiful photos of their family and how to make when the camera comes out something that's fun and special for everyone (yes, even your partner!). Because now that I'm a mom, I understand more than ever how many of our greatest moments will happen with our family outside of a professional photoshoot, or when a pro just simple can't be around.

Mother, photograpHer, Educator




I've also done work for companies such as Monica + Andy and Medela, Inc. to help them create branding and imagery that speaks to women and mothers. 

"Most of all, I love working with mothers and women." 

After giving up medical school I decided to get my Masters in Public Health while I figured out what to do next. I specialized in Maternal/Child Health and became a trained doula while writing my capstone thesis on the efficacy of doula support in childbirth. While working with my doula clients they started asking me if I could take pictures of their birth or of their family and somehow that evolved into Simply by Suzy Photography where I have had the pleasure of photographing over 700 mothers & families in the last 12 years. 

learning how to take great photos and how to make it part of my family's routine has been the greatest adventure of my life.

Are you ready?

I told my husband I was okay with 2 kids but now that our second daughter is here I think I might want 10.

Adventure is the cure for anything that ails you, but it's somehow also true that there's no place like home with the one you love.

"As a new mom and fellow photographer, being a part of this course has been so rewarding. Thank you! This has been such a gift to our family." 

"I've had my camera for over 10 years and am finally shooting in manual. I so appreciate you putting the info out there. I feel like I'm finally able to capture our family occasions the way I had always hoped I would. Thank you! (also, I feel the most important lesson was making photography fun - I was totally the scary monster mom/wife with the camera)." 

"I gifted this [course] to my husband as his "push present" after our daughter was born on New Years Day! He always had an eye for photography and this is just the perfect gift for him and our family."

"Having our little girl in the middle of this whole pandemic has definitely had its pros and cons...

One of the things we had planned (of course for a few months before my due date) was for someone to come to our house to take newborn photos. You could imagine how sad I was when I realized this wasn't something we were going to be able to do. 

However, instead of just accepting that my special newborn photos weren't going to happen, my very sweet husband (who typically does not care about photos as much as I do) and I decided to pick up the camera we received from my parents last Christmas and have our very own photo session! We watched [the Simply by Suzy Photography Course for Parents], learned what aperture and shutter speed were, learned how to edit photos, enlisted the help of some pretty amazing grandparents, and in the end we created something I will never forget!

Now when I look at these photos, not only are they special because they are of our new family of 3 but I am reminded of al the memories we have creating them... spending time together learning a new hobby, going outside at exactly the right time and twisting bodies so that we could get exactly the right light, laughing at trying to entertain a newborn, and holding up every black and white item to try and get her to look at the camera."


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Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. Sed purus dolor, ultrices gravida, mi quis posuere molestie, nisi tellus fringilla mi, sit amet finibus est sem at diam. Sed non dolor egestas, consectetur libero vitae, imperdiet felis.


09. secret talent 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum.


08. I LOVE

Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper. Aliquam rutrum tellus interdum elit lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere.


07. gimme all those

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae faucibus lorem, id iaculis nulla. Aenean convallis cursus quam dictum semper rutrum tellus interdum elit. lacinia dignissim. Praesent posuere arcu in tristique posuere. 

chanel no. 5

06. my FAVE scent: 


are saying about the photography course

real parents

I want to start taking beautiful photos of my life, for me and for my children.

I want to  learn how to make taking pictures something that's special and fun, so my kids and my partner want to cooperate and take pictures with me.

I don't want to let not having a photographer with me stop my family from having great photos of our best moments.

I want to have beautiful pictures to look at with my children years from now and tell them stories about how wonderful my life with them was.

Photography School for Parents

The Simply by Suzy

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Follow along for more about photography, motherhood and life behind the scenes with my own family.


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